نصائح في امتحان الأيلتس
من الأمور المهمة استخدام IDIOMS أثناء المحادثة والتي تعبر عن قدرة الشخص عن استخدام لغة الحياة اليومية ..طبع هذه التعابير لا تترجم حرفيا وإنما بشكل مجازي للتعبير عن المعنى الذي ترمي إليه ...
علاوة على ذلك تعتبر من الأمور المهمة في امتحان الايلتس IELTS وعامل أساسي في رفع الدرجة شريطة ان يتم استخدامها بشكل صحيح ...طبعا توجد سلسلة قمت بتجميعها من عدة مصادر أشهرها قناة BBC وكتب كامبردج المخصصة لامتحان الايلتس وكذلك من خلال سؤال أعذاء لجنة الامتحانات في المركز الثقافي البريطاني British council ...طبعا سنقوم بنشر هذه السلسلة تباعا بمعدل كل يومين أو ثلاثة أيام ولاحقا سنصدر نوطة خاصة فيها مع أمثلة عملية ( طبعا استخدام IDIOMS سلاح ذو حدين إن لم يتم استخدامه بشكل صحيح ).
التعبير الأول:
1- I haven't slept a wink .
هذا التعبير عندما تريد القول مبارح مانمت ( مثلا ابنك سهرك طول الليل ) أم ما فيك تفتح عيونك من النعس ..أيضا للتعبير عن أن الشخص تعبان مو قدران يسند طوله أنه مانام كفاية ليلة أمس . خلينا نشوف مثال عملي .
1- Neil: (Yawning) Welcome to The English We Speak with me - a very tired Neil - and Feifei.
Feifei: (Yawning) Hi, I'm Feifei.
Neil: Oh, Feifei, I'm so tired.
Feifei: Me too. The kids?
Neil: Ah, the kids kept me awake all night. As soon as one of them went back to sleep, the other one started screaming. What's your excuse?
Feifei: A mosquito.
Neil: A mosquito?
Feifei: Yes, there was a mosquito in my room. Every time I turned the light off and tried to go to sleep I heard buzzing in my ear. I haven't slept a wink.
Neil: And I haven't slept a wink either! A wink is when you close and open one of your eyes very quickly once - usually to show friendliness or that you are having a joke with someone. It's also a verb - to wink.
Feifei: So, if you say 'I haven't slept a wink' it means that you've had so little sleep, your eye didn't even close once!
Neil: That's right. It's an exaggeration. Here are some examples: A: You look terrible! What's the matter? B: I haven't slept a wink. It was a really bad idea to move to a flat next to a pub. A: How about a trip to the cinema tonight? B: Sorry I can't. I haven't slept a wink. There were cats outside fighting all night.
Neil: So, we can use 'I haven't slept a wink' to say that we are very tired because we haven't had much sleep. (Yawns) I can't wait to get home tonight and just jump into bed... I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of this programme, let alone the rest of the day.
Feifei: Me neither.
Neil: Nice and quiet in here, though, isn't it?
Feifei: And dark.
Neil: Do you think anyone would notice if we just...
Feifei: That's a great idea! I'll just put these two chairs together.
Neil: And I'll rest my head on this desk and... (snoring).
(Sound of babies screaming and mosquitos buzzing)
Both: Argh! Kids! Mosquitos! Is there anywhere to sleep? Argh
Feifei: (Yawning) Hi, I'm Feifei.
Neil: Oh, Feifei, I'm so tired.
Feifei: Me too. The kids?
Neil: Ah, the kids kept me awake all night. As soon as one of them went back to sleep, the other one started screaming. What's your excuse?
Feifei: A mosquito.
Neil: A mosquito?
Feifei: Yes, there was a mosquito in my room. Every time I turned the light off and tried to go to sleep I heard buzzing in my ear. I haven't slept a wink.
Neil: And I haven't slept a wink either! A wink is when you close and open one of your eyes very quickly once - usually to show friendliness or that you are having a joke with someone. It's also a verb - to wink.
Feifei: So, if you say 'I haven't slept a wink' it means that you've had so little sleep, your eye didn't even close once!
Neil: That's right. It's an exaggeration. Here are some examples: A: You look terrible! What's the matter? B: I haven't slept a wink. It was a really bad idea to move to a flat next to a pub. A: How about a trip to the cinema tonight? B: Sorry I can't. I haven't slept a wink. There were cats outside fighting all night.
Neil: So, we can use 'I haven't slept a wink' to say that we are very tired because we haven't had much sleep. (Yawns) I can't wait to get home tonight and just jump into bed... I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of this programme, let alone the rest of the day.
Feifei: Me neither.
Neil: Nice and quiet in here, though, isn't it?
Feifei: And dark.
Neil: Do you think anyone would notice if we just...
Feifei: That's a great idea! I'll just put these two chairs together.
Neil: And I'll rest my head on this desk and... (snoring).
(Sound of babies screaming and mosquitos buzzing)
Both: Argh! Kids! Mosquitos! Is there anywhere to sleep? Argh
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